If you’re curious about how celebrities manage to look their best every time they step outside their home then here’s a list of celebrity beauty routines.
1. Cindy Crawford uses milk as a moisturizer
Source via weheartit.com
How it Works: Using milk as a substitute for moisturizer can help to reduce signs of aging significantly. It helps to shrink your pores, giving you a younger looking skin. If you have dry skin then it will be very beneficial as it will keep your skin moisturized and hydrated throughout the day.
You should be careful with the spray bottle though because when you spray the milk on your face it can easily get in your hair and on your clothes.
2. Miranda Kerr uses lip balm as a highlighter
Source via weheartit.com
How it Works: Applying lip balm under your eyes can brighten up your eyes instantly. It also soothes that particular area and nourishes it. It can reduce puffiness under your eyes as well. Lip balm is basically a great alternative for a highlighter.
3. Jennifer Love-Hewitt uses toothpaste as a pimple remover
Jennifer Lover-Hewitt uses toothpaste to get rid of and dry out pimples.
How it Works: Toothpaste contains ingredients like baking soda that can help to dry out your pimples. If you dab a little toothpaste on your pimple and leave it overnight, it will be significantly reduced in the morning. This is a quick way of getting rid of acne, but it doesn’t permanently cure it so it isn’t very beneficial in the long run.
Avoid using a gel toothpaste because it doesn’t work very well. Also, refrain from using a teeth-whitening toothpaste because it has ingredients that aren’t good for you—like bleach—which can make your skin react. This is a great alternative for acne creams when you run out of them.
Before using toothpaste, you should make sure that you’re not allergic to any of the ingredients in it because that can make your problems worse by making your skin red and irritated.
4. Julia Roberts soaks her hands in olive oil to make them soft
Source via www.elle.com
How it Works: Olive oil not only adds a great taste to your food, but is also very beneficial for your skin. Using olive oil will make your hands soft as it moisturizes and nourishes them. It cleanses your skin without clogging your pores unlike most moisturizers. Olive oil absorbs into your skin and nourishes it from within. It also helps your nails to become healthy and strong.
5. Alicia Keys sets an alarm to remind her to drink water
To keep her hydrated throughout the day, Alicia Keys sets an alarm every two hours to remind her to drink a glass of water.
How it Works: It’s hard to remember to drink water after every few hours, so setting an alarm can be very helpful. There are so many benefits to drinking water. It keeps your skin youthful, radiant and glowing. Water also helps to flush out toxins from your body.
6. Catherine Zeta-Jones uses beer to keep her hair looking healthy
Source via www.pinterest.com
Katherine Zeta Jones drenches her hair in beer to give them shine and make them look silky.
How it Works: After shampooing and conditioning your hair, douse it in beer. The primal ingredients in beer contain proteins and nutrients that are great for hair growth. The protein in beer also strengthens your hair cuticles, making your hair stronger than before while the alcohol in it cleans any excess dirt that sits on your hair after a rough day. Alcohol is notorious for making hair dry, so wash your hair with beer once a month to keep your hair from drying out.
7. Denise Richards conditions her hair with avocados
Source via www.pinterest.com
How it Works: Avocados will help to get rid of any tangles and knots your hair may have after a shower. With avocados, you can also combat dry and rough ends. Avocados make hair very oily, so avoid putting the paste on your scalp to keep your hair from looking unwashed and greasy.
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